
Showing posts from August, 2018

Arduino:How to use motor driver module L293D

       Motor Driver L293D module  This motor driver module has 4 input pins which will be connected to the arduino and 4 output pins which will be connected with the two motors,and there are 3 more pins which is 12v input ,5v input and a GND(negative terminal) the module can be powered by 12v supply or a 5v supply.and it can control  2 motors CODE to upload int motorpin1=5; int motorpin2=6; int motorpin3=7; int motorpin4=8; void setup() { pinMode( motorpin1,OUTPUT); pinMode( motorpin2,OUTPUT); pinMode( motorpin3,OUTPUT); pinMode( motorpin4,OUTPUT); } void loop() { digitalWrite( motorpin1,HIGH); digitalWrite( motorpin2,LOW); digitalWrite( motorpin3,HIGH); digitalWrite( motorpin4,LOW); } After uploading the code ,the motors will start spinning in CLOCKWISE direction,this is because of the HIGH ,LOW sequence written in the code You can also change the direction of spinning of the mo...

Arduino:How to make a RC car with arduino

MULTI FEATURED ROBOT WITH ARDUINO This robot was mainly built for understanding Arduino and combining various projects of Arduino to form a Multi Featured Arduino Robot. And further, who doesn't want to have a pet robot? So I named it BLUE ROVIER 316. I could have bought a beautiful tracked chassis but making it from scratch teaches you more and gives you more pride after you have completed it. The robot is capable of understanding voice commands, answering simple questions, controlling as an RC car and even avoiding obstacles while moving. It is mainly controlled through an Android phone which is connected to it through Bluetooth. Based on Android features such as Google Voice Recognition and Tilt sensing, it can really behave like a cute, smart robot. I added BLUE in its name because it is mainly based on Bluetooth. It was actually my first Arduino project and I wanted it to be unique . If you like the project, please do vote for me in the Robotics Contest ! You w...

Arduino:How to use color sensor tcs230

Arduino Color Sensing Tutorial – TCS230 TCS3200 Color Sensor In this Arduino Tutorial we will learn how to detect colors using Arduino and the TCS230 / TCS3200 Color Sensor. You can watch the following video or read the written tutorial below for more details. How TCS230 Color Sensor Works The TCS230 senses color light with the help of an 8 x 8 array of photodiodes. Then using a Current-to-Frequency Converter the readings from the photodiodes are converted into a square wave with a frequency directly proportional to the light intensity. Finally, using the Arduino Board we can read the square wave output and get the results for the color. If we take a closer look at the sensor we can see how it detects various colors. The photodiodes have three different color filters. Sixteen of them have red filters, another 16 have green filters, another 16 have blue filters and the other 16 photodiodes are clear with no filters. Each 16 photodiodes are connected i...